Training Programmes

At enCOMPASSion Foundation, we believe that promoting resilience, nonviolence, collaboration, and compassion requires practical and applicable skills that can be integrated into daily life. We understand that change starts from within and aim to empower individuals to become agents of positive change. Our focus is on providing innovative, creative, and customizable learning solutions that make these qualities “doable” for participants from diverse backgrounds.

Please keep in mind that some of these learning solutions are offered through our training partners.

enCOMPASSion Foundation’s Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Foundations Trainings are tailored for corporates and NGOs looking to improve their communication skills. These trainings are designed to help participants build stronger relationships, increase productivity, and reduce conflict in the workplace. Participants will learn how to express themselves clearly, listen actively, and resolve conflicts peacefully.

The NVC trainings can be offered as a single short 60-90 minute session, a longer 3-hour session for deeper awareness, or a full day workshop for experiencing the magic of NVC. Get in touch to schedule an NVC Foundations training for your organisation or team!

enCOMPASSion Foundation’s Leadership Training is a 5-day intensive training program designed for leadership teams in corporate organisations and NGOS, looking to enhance their leadership skills. The program is based on nonviolent communication principles and focuses on developing qualities of optimistic warmth, empathy, self-awareness, and leadership as service.

Participants will learn practical skills and tools to become more effective leaders, including communication strategies that foster connection and collaboration, conflict resolution techniques that promote win-win outcomes, and self-reflection to enhance emotional intelligence. Connect with us to find out more!

enCOMPASSion Foundation’s E.A.R.s Training is a 12-hour program designed to help teams and groups improve their communication skills using nonviolent communication principles. The program focuses on developing empathy, awareness, and response-ability, and provides participants with NVC skills for self-connection, active listening, and compassionate expression.

The E.A.R.s Training uses practical exercises and interactive discussions to help participants learn how to connect more deeply with themselves and others. Through the program, participants will gain a deeper understanding of their own needs and feelings, learn how to listen actively to others, and develop skills to express themselves with honesty and compassion. Write to us to find out how you can grow your EARs!

Couldn’t find the right fit? We customise!

There’s no one size that fits all needs. At enCOMPASSion Foundation, we prioritise your learning needs, and aim to bring your vision and our expertise together to offer customized training programs and initiatives. We understand that each group has unique needs and challenges, and we work closely with our clients to tailor our trainings to their specific requirements.

Our experienced facilitators use a range of learning methodologies to create a memorable and transformative learning experience for participants. We also welcome feedback and use it to constantly improve our trainings to better meet the needs of our clients.

Our ultimate goal is to create a ripple effect of positive change in the world, and we believe that diversity and inclusivity are essential for achieving this goal. Our trainings are designed to create inclusive environments where everyone feels valued and respected, and where participants can learn from one another’s perspectives and experiences.